Let’s Go USA!

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2024 Olympic Games Attribution Results

Closet Factory Showcase

2024 Summer Olympic Games

  • Exposure & Dedicated Audience

    Studies show the biggest events in sports with the most consumer interest are the Super Bowl, the Summer Olympics, and the Winter Olympics. The Rio Summer Games were viewed in 78% of U.S. households.

  • The "Halo" Effect

    The Games provide a direct, meaningful, and emotional connection with both current and potential clients. Brands that are showcased and during the games historically have experienced considerable return on investment and have had their brands lifted to new heights.

  • Making Meaningful Connections

    Studies have shown that Games viewers want our story to create an emotional connection. They want content that includes our message of positivity, unity, sportsmanship, equality, diversity, and the quest for greatness.

    Our planned storytelling during the games further aligns our brand’s values alongside that of the athletes.

  • Big Impact

    Studies show that people are likely to remember our Olympic brand message. According to Phoenix Brand Effect, 88% of viewers believe that companies provide a public service by supporting athletes. In comparison, 85% of viewers would feel a sense of pride if their company supported the Olympics. “

    Simply stated: Investing in this event brings our country together and elevates your brand,

  • Focus, discipline, hard work, goal setting and, of course, the thrill of finally achieving your goals. These are all lessons of life.

    Kristi Yamaguchi, American figure skater and 1992 gold medalist

  • I am building a fire, and every day I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match.

    Mia Hamm, American soccer player and two-time gold medalist

2024 Games Creative

The Dash & The Vault

Two most popular summer games events with memorable outcomes, expressing the hard work, attention to details, and brilliance that Closet Factory Designers put in every day for their own Champions “our Customers” with the outcome of more Time, Space and Peace.

July Only Impressions by Market

Overall Olympics Closet Factory Metrics

All Impressions by Market

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